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Chairman - Prof. Svetlana Morkovina - doctor of economics, vice-rector for science and innovations of Voronezh state university of forestry and technologies named after G.F. Morozov. Russia.

Deputy chairman - Ph.D. Anna Saralunga - associate professor, dean of the Forestry faculty of Voronezh state university of forestry and technologies named after G.F. Morozov. Russia.

Deputy Chairman - Prof. Sergey Matveev - doctor of biological sciences, head of the department of forestry and forest inventory of Voronezh state university of forestry and technologies named after G.F. Morozov, head of the Research and educational center of Voronezh state university of forestry and technologies named after G.F. Morozov of "Sustainable development of  forest complex". Russia.

Doctor of Geographical Sciences Natalia Yakovenko - Director of the Research Institute of Innovative Technologies and the Forestry Complex of the V.I. G.F. Morozov. Russia.

Technical Secretary - Ph.D. Igor Shanin - associate professor of the department of Economics and finance, leading engineer of the research sector of Voronezh state university of forestry and technologies named after G.F. Morozov. Russia.

Editor of conference materials  – Mrs. Svetlana Krokhotina - head of editorial and publishing department of Voronezh state university of forestry and technologies named after G.F. Morozov. Russia.

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